Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Were You Sleeping?

Ten best things to say if you get caught sleeping at your desk:

10. They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen.
9. This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time management course you sent me to
8. Whew! Guess I left the top off the whiteout. You probably got here just in time.
7. I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new business strategy.
6. I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance
5. I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. Are you discriminatory toward people who practice Yoga?
4. Darn! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured ou how to handle that big accounting problem.
3. Did you ever notice sound coming out of these keyboards when you put your ear down real close?
2. Who put decaf in the wrong pot?
1. Raise your head slowly and say, "...in Jesus name, Amen."

I went Curving

Well, I went back to Curves today...I haven't went since back before Christmas, so it's been over a month. I did good in my month off though (I've been doing some exercises at my house). I lost one pound and some inches for a total of 7 pounds, 5 1/2 pounds body fat, and 11 3/4 inches total since starting last spring. Not very good numbers, but I haven't been dedicated to it like I should. For instance, I ate brownies and bread yesterday...I did have some Grape Nut cereal for breakfast, but the rest of my day was brownies and bread. For supper I added ice cream to the brownie. Anyway, I'm making a vow to myself to do better. Youth Convention is in April and I'm going this year. There will be five states attending MO's convention and they are doing an Infusion for all the college/career people (those 18-35 unmarried people...like me). Gotta look good!! (grin)

Anyway...something other than weight. If you have time Google Julian Beever, he makes sidewalk paintings that are 3D. Very cool!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Well, I'm living by the sixteen rules set up below to maintain my (in)sanity. My company is a reseller of cable internet service for the local Municipality in Poplar Bluff. On Wednesday morning they did a massive upgrade on their equipment changing everyone from PPPoe to DHCP, a simple switch that had to made in everyone's modem or router (depending on what you use to connect). We sent out an email, we put a link on our homepage about it, and the city was doing ads on the TV letting everyone know there would be some changes. Wednesday consisted of me listening to voicemails all day with customers saying stuff along these lines; 'Yes, I was calling because I can't get connected. I was wondering if there was something going on in the area' or 'I've been trying to get connected all day, can you please have someone call me to see if they can fix my system' (sent at around 3:00 pm; the cable upgrade happened at 2:00 am). Then others who 'use this to work and they are losing money, I need a call back ASAP'...you feel like setting up an option on the phone system for all people with an ID 10 T error to please press two; then give the instructions that have been available for the past week.

Things have slown down some today, but I still have some calling in saying they have been down for two days now and need to know how to fix their cable. Makes one want to SCREAM.

Side note: This morning I sent the 'sanity' list out in an email to 'all staff' in my office. We had takers on #2, and #3 in that order (which was carried out over the paging system of our phone) then someone else did #9. It gave everyone a laugh and broke some of the tension from the past few days. (Sanity List)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tuesday, January 24

Sometiems I sit down to read other blogs and wonder what world they are living on...they always have the cute stories to share or little sayings to pass on. I do have to say that I feel privileged that Liz linked me to her blog...for my last post about sanity.

Work has been crazy. We've had three people leave in the past week, our receptionist, a marketing guy, and a wireless tech. So, I had to hire for the receptionist then they monopolized my tech department to fill in the spots in marketing and wireless. So now I have to find some qualified people with an IQ of at least 10 (if I can get one higher it's great...but that could be asking a lot). It's hard to find good help that knows how to follow directions and convey them to people on the other end of the phone that has an average age of 55...sometimes they are deaf too, which makes it fun for the rest of us in the building.

Story about my niece. The other night Riley went to put Kirsten to bed, while he was knelt beside the bed Peyton jumped down from the top bunk and knelt beside him. She started looking around the room at all the 'people' and motioned Riley to come closer. When he leaned in she said, "Shhh, don't tell them we're from another planet". Riley agreed with her, and said it was time to go back to bed. She climbed back into her bed and laid down. Tara is having problems coming to grasp with the fact that her daughters sleep walk and talk in their sleep, Riley on the other hand has great practice with it all because I did it while growing up quite frequently.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sixteen Ways to Maintain Sanity

Don't freak, I know this is my second post for today...but I received the following list in my email tonight from a friend and I thought I would share (though I did cut it down some). If anyone every actually follows the sixteen ways to maintain sanity please let me know how it went. (grin)

16 Ways to Maintain Sanity

1. At lunch time sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Do not disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask 'Do you want fries with that'
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it 'In'
5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6. In the memo field of all your checks write, 'For smuggling diamonds'
7. Don't use any punctuation
9. As often as possible skip rather than walk
9. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
10. Specify that your drive-through order is 'to go'
11. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme
12. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day
13. Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name, Rock Bottom
14. When the money comes out of the ATM scream, "I won, I won"
15. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
16. Tell your children over dinner. "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."

p.s. This is called therapy

New Look

Hey everyone! I decided to get rid of the basic black (it was a bit sever) and go with something a little more relaxed and pretty. Plus everyone else was updating their blogs for the new year, so I thought I would try it out too. Though I didn't get as creative as Liz did for herself or her mom, I'm still learning and haven't taken the time to sit down and figure everything out (I'm doing good to blog daily...um, I mean weekly). Anyway, hope you like the new look. I think I like it a lot better, it's brighter and more girlie (gasp).

P.S. I'm feeling MUCH better, the antibiotics I'm on is working to kick this 'flu' in the butt (Riley don't let the girls read that)...maybe I should say hiney (spell check?) or bum.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Never Steal Body Parts

Well the couple who thought it would be cool to take the thumb of a co-worker and put it in their chili at Wendy's to get some quick cash found out the hard way today that it doesn't pay to steal body parts for fun. This all happened last year around August-September, and they just now received their sentences for prison...I wonder if they will get to eat chili? The story can be found here: Finger Story. Crazy people are out there...and sometimes they let us get to know them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Flu Season

You gotta love it...I know I am. Actually I'm on the upward swing of it all and I'm about over it, except for the croup cough I have (I think my lungs are going on strike) and the codeine poisoning my doctor did. Yes, of course I know I should have read the paperwork from the pharmacy but my doctor shouldn't have prescribed medicine to me that had something in it that makes me hurl (which is in the notes in my file).

I finally broke down and went to the doctor on Monday, after being sick with a sore throat, sinus infection (green stuff everywhere), and a chest cold since the week before. I get my meds and start taking them. Tuesday (today) at work I was loopy and felt like my head was floating in another place. As the day went on I got a terrible headache and nausea set in. (This was great too, because we're in the process of hiring a receptionist and I conducted four interviews) By the time I started home I felt worse than I had before...I had to call and tell my part-time job boss that I would be unable to work, so he had to come clean the bank (I don't think he was very happy). Anyway, when I get home I get the papers from the pharmacy out of the trash...not a good place for them if you haven't read them...and decided to take a peek. Wow...my cough medicine has codeine in it and it said that if you have had an allergic reaction (throwing up or dizziness) from taking Tylenol with codeine not to take this...or to at least be careful and watch for the following symptoms (and it listed a whole page). That explained a lot of my day away. (grin)

Yes, I was the dummy that didn't read it last night...but shouldn't a doctor who has been treating someone for over four years know (or remember) that they cannot have codeine. Anyway, I have the flu (coughing, runny nose, yadda-yadda) and now I'm waiting for my cough medicine to get out of my system so I will no longer have nausea and a pounding headache (Bob the Builder is making a shopping mall in my head). The fun of flu season.

P.S. We have seasons for everything nowadays...deer season, gigging season, shopping season, Holiday Season, and FLU Season. Woo-Hoo!

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Goodbye Christmas

I took my tree down today and surface cleaned my house. It's sad a little putting the tree away in the box and putting all the ornaments away (I broke one of my Goofy ornaments...weep, weep. But super glue should save the day next year...yeah!). It didn't feel like Christmas at all this year. Maybe because we stay so busy and it's just a day off work, or because we didn't have snow. Our days are already getting longer...did anyone else notice that it never was 'completely dark' until around 6:00 this year. Usually, in the past, it would be pitch black when I got off work at 5:00 and I would drive home in the dark...this year it never did that, we drove home at 'dusk'. But anyway, I digress. It didn't take near as long to take the tree down as it did to put it up, and now my house feels normal and clean. (Definition of surface clean: use a duster to dust instead of rag and spray; sweep and use swiffer to mop instead of mop and water; wipe down bathrooms with clorox spray and rag. It doesn't take as long and it still gives the appearance of being clean.)

Oh well...I've accomplished pretty much nothing today, but it was a good Saturday. Tomorrow I get a plant stand from my Grandpa (hand made), it's my Christmas present.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Nanny for a weekend

New Year's weekend was spent by me being a Nanny. I didn't take part in Nanny 911, nor was I a Fran Dreshcer, but I did spend three days (Friday-Sunday) taking care of Jake and Sarah. Lucky for me they were very well behaved children, so my job was very easy. We spent our time on 'The Farm' riding four wheelers and playing in the field (I personally read a lot of magazines and a book). I drove a huge Suburban the whole weekend, as opposed to my small Chevy Malibu...my dad said my car took a lot of steroids, it was awkward at first getting accustomed to having so 'much' vehicle to deal with. But we all survived!

Doing this for the weekend made me realize that I could possibly put my degree to use and be a personal nanny for a family (as long as their children were well behaved) and also be their tutor/teacher. Just a thought!

I was tagged by Wendy

I finally took time out today to catch up on some blogs and realized that I was tagged by Wendy to fill in the following list of statements:

1. Stop buying -----because -----
2. Use more of -----
3. Get rid of -----
4. Change my -----
5. Concentrate on -----
6. Try to be -----

My List:

1. Stop buying on a whim because I usually don't need what I buy and end up taking it back or letting it sit in my closet.
2. Use more of my time for productive endeavors (clean the house, spend time with my nieces and nephew)
3. Get rid of unneeded objects around my house (clothes, nic nacks, junk)
4. Change my Bible reading and prayer habits (actually make them a habit)
5. Concentrate on being a better person and opening up to others
6. Try to be relaxed around strangers and get to know someone new