Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Well, I'm living by the sixteen rules set up below to maintain my (in)sanity. My company is a reseller of cable internet service for the local Municipality in Poplar Bluff. On Wednesday morning they did a massive upgrade on their equipment changing everyone from PPPoe to DHCP, a simple switch that had to made in everyone's modem or router (depending on what you use to connect). We sent out an email, we put a link on our homepage about it, and the city was doing ads on the TV letting everyone know there would be some changes. Wednesday consisted of me listening to voicemails all day with customers saying stuff along these lines; 'Yes, I was calling because I can't get connected. I was wondering if there was something going on in the area' or 'I've been trying to get connected all day, can you please have someone call me to see if they can fix my system' (sent at around 3:00 pm; the cable upgrade happened at 2:00 am). Then others who 'use this to work and they are losing money, I need a call back ASAP'...you feel like setting up an option on the phone system for all people with an ID 10 T error to please press two; then give the instructions that have been available for the past week.

Things have slown down some today, but I still have some calling in saying they have been down for two days now and need to know how to fix their cable. Makes one want to SCREAM.

Side note: This morning I sent the 'sanity' list out in an email to 'all staff' in my office. We had takers on #2, and #3 in that order (which was carried out over the paging system of our phone) then someone else did #9. It gave everyone a laugh and broke some of the tension from the past few days. (Sanity List)


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