Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Goodbye Christmas

I took my tree down today and surface cleaned my house. It's sad a little putting the tree away in the box and putting all the ornaments away (I broke one of my Goofy ornaments...weep, weep. But super glue should save the day next year...yeah!). It didn't feel like Christmas at all this year. Maybe because we stay so busy and it's just a day off work, or because we didn't have snow. Our days are already getting longer...did anyone else notice that it never was 'completely dark' until around 6:00 this year. Usually, in the past, it would be pitch black when I got off work at 5:00 and I would drive home in the dark...this year it never did that, we drove home at 'dusk'. But anyway, I digress. It didn't take near as long to take the tree down as it did to put it up, and now my house feels normal and clean. (Definition of surface clean: use a duster to dust instead of rag and spray; sweep and use swiffer to mop instead of mop and water; wipe down bathrooms with clorox spray and rag. It doesn't take as long and it still gives the appearance of being clean.)

Oh well...I've accomplished pretty much nothing today, but it was a good Saturday. Tomorrow I get a plant stand from my Grandpa (hand made), it's my Christmas present.


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