Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Monday, December 12, 2005

Seven Sevens

There's apparently a thing going around about 'Seven Sevens', which works out to be seven list of seven items about yourself. I was listed by Liz on her list to do a list of my own (how many times can I type 'list' in one sentence)...so in all fairness (and out of some boredom) I decided to go with it. Following is my list of seven sevens:

Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1. Travel through Europe
2. Get married
3. Speak a foreign language fluently (preferably Spanish)
4. Learn how to throw meals together like my sister-in-law (out of nothing)
5. Travel through the states I haven't been to yet (mainly the middle ones)
6. Be spontaneous
7. Learn to trust without reservation

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Roll my tongue
2. Take compliments (though I am getting better)
3. Spell
4. Numbers: I have problems with zeros and decimal points (ask my boss) --grin--
5. Not be organized
6. Deal very well with stupid people
7. Speak a foreign language fluently

Seven things that attract me to my spouse/significant other/best friend:
1. She likes me for who and what I am...regardless
2. We can go without talking for days/weeks, but when we get together it's like we talked yesterday
3. She tells me like it is
4. I can count on her to be there for me
5. She likes helping others
6. She knows when to veg out and when to make plans
7. She helps me with my clothes -- making sure I match

Seven things I say often:
1. 'Hello' (with slight sarcasm)
2. 'Really' (with slight sarcasm)
3. Question...
4. Answer the phone (usually said at work)
5. 'Does this look o.k.' (when I get to church w/ a new outfit or variation of an old one)
6. 'GRRR...'
7. 'What a Moron'

Seven books or book series I love:
1. Gone with the Wind
2. John Grisham books
3. The Oath
4. This Present Darkness/Piercing the Darkness
5. Christie
6. The Sacketts (Louis L'Amour)
7. Chronicles of Narnia

Seven movies I could watch over and over:
1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
2. Anne of Green Gables
3. While You Were Sleeping
4. Bravehart
5. Return to Me
6. Wedding Planner
7. Count of Monte Cristo
(the list can go on...if it's a good movie, I can watch it several times)

Seven people I want to join in this Seven Sevens meme:
Well, since I don't have that many people that read my blog and I don't know many others that have blogs (besides those that have already done this), my Seven Sevens will actually only be Six Sixes.

Hope you guys enjoyed this...it's harder than a person would think to come up with seven items on some of these topics.


At Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at 9:53:00 AM CST , Blogger Butterfly Momma said...

Very good list - and it is hard to come up with all the things, isn't?? Great job! Glad you survived your Christmas production - sounds like it went great.


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