Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Today I put my Christmas Tree up. Many of you probably think I'm crazy for putting it up a week before Christmas, but my house was dubbed 'it' for the family gathering and the kids were not happy that I didn't have a tree. Therefore I took time out today, plus I didn't feel like going anywhere else, and put my tree up (you can see the finished product above). It only took me about two hours to put it totally together, string the lights, put the decorations on, and then clean up the mess of pine needles and put the empty boxes away. I didn't think that was bad...since I was doing it alone. But the thing is that now that it's up, I'll probably leave it till New Years so I get some use out of it. (grin)

Other than putting my tree up I didn't do anything else today, though I kept my brothers three kids tonight while they went to a church staff 'Christmas Party'. It was 'no children' because when they sat down and counted how many would be attending there was going to be thirteen kids there...all under the age of 12. I didn't understand why they wouldn't want to have them all there. (hehe) So I got to spend some quality time with my two nieces and nephew.


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