Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Time is Here

Ah, it's Friday (TGIF) and only three days before Christmas (two if you don't actually count Christmas day). This week has been a little stressful, many things happened at work that were laid at my feet because I'm the 'manager' or because I stepped in in the last round and got the stuff taken care of (but still received flack from the fall out of the situation). But I made it through the week, and now we have a three day weekend. Oh, did I mention that I had to fire someone yesterday? That wasn't fun at all...but all part of being the 'boss' and it was past needing to be done. I did say three day weekend...and I'm looking to it with great longing.

Subject two: Today is my mom's birthday. We had a mini 'surprise' birthday party for her last night at my Aunt Claudette's house. My mom is a twin, but we did it minus one half of the twosome. My Aunt Diane was going to be able to spend the time with her husband who normally works nights...so we didn't call and invite them to join in the party. (sorry!) We had a lot of fun last night, just sitting around getting to talk to everyone (there were 11 adults there and 5 kids)...this was a 'small' gathering. It was good to laugh!

Subject three: Christmas!! Woo-Hoo!! We're having Christmas at my house on Saturday with my mom's family, then we'll open gifts with the kids (my two nieces and nephew) after they all leave. I'm not sure how many will be showing up, but it should be fun (I need to clean the house though). Then we'll do 'drop-in' Christmas with my dad's family on Sunday. This is when everyone just 'drops by' Grandma's house throughout the day. You get to visit with the ones that are there at that time, or you can wait around until someone else shows up. My church is doing a service Sunday night (for an hour) to celebrate the birthday of Christ.

I have a full weekend, but plenty of time to kick back and relax too (though I still need to wrap my gifts I've purchased). I hope that all of you have a 'very' Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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