Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I went Curving

Well, I went back to Curves today...I haven't went since back before Christmas, so it's been over a month. I did good in my month off though (I've been doing some exercises at my house). I lost one pound and some inches for a total of 7 pounds, 5 1/2 pounds body fat, and 11 3/4 inches total since starting last spring. Not very good numbers, but I haven't been dedicated to it like I should. For instance, I ate brownies and bread yesterday...I did have some Grape Nut cereal for breakfast, but the rest of my day was brownies and bread. For supper I added ice cream to the brownie. Anyway, I'm making a vow to myself to do better. Youth Convention is in April and I'm going this year. There will be five states attending MO's convention and they are doing an Infusion for all the college/career people (those 18-35 unmarried people...like me). Gotta look good!! (grin)

Anyway...something other than weight. If you have time Google Julian Beever, he makes sidewalk paintings that are 3D. Very cool!


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