Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

December 27, 2006

Wow! This year is almost over. Christmas went really well this year. I got a cordless drill from my dad, I think he was giving me a hint that he wants me to start doing stuff around my house. I also got some other stuff I wanted...I got a wok skillet, some knives, and some other kitchen utensils. I told mom she purchased some kitchen weapons for me, the knives are a little lethal and the wok skillet weighs about five pounds. But all of it has came in handy so far. :) We did Christmas on Christmas Eve at my brother and sister-in-law's house. The kids enjoyed their presents, and then we had a seafood meal for dinner. It was AWESOME!! After having turkey and dressing for seven nights at CAOH, we decided to do something different and the seafood was different and very good. We had crab legs, fried and cocktail shrimp, shrimp and crab fettuccine, cheese biscuits, and salad. It totally hit the spot!

I'm back to walking and exercising, or at least attempting to. I've walked twice the past five days...which is a start. I'm trying to get the five pounds I gained in October back off. I know that it's a daily thing, and I need to totally change my lifestyle in order to keep the weight off, but sometimes you forget and you start feeling good because the weight is off...back to the daily grind of watching what I eat and trying to get the walking in. Luckily it's not that cold here, and I'm able to walk outside...though after being out there for about 40 minutes it does get a little chilly. It's all good though!

I received some disturbing news this month, some really good friends of mine are getting divorced. I don't know the 'why' of it all...but you think you know people and that everything is good, then a wrecking ball comes out of nowhere and it's like...'oh yeah, by the way, we're getting divorced'. I am glad that I found out from one of the parties involved and not through the gossip grapevine, but it still totally surprised me. I just pray that things work out for them and they find the peace in the midst of this storm.

Well...not sure if I'll be writing by New Years Eve or not, so I'll sign off with 'Happy New Year'. I hope that this year brings things into your life that will make everyone happy and fulfilled. And may God bless you throughout the coming year!

Until later,


At Friday, January 5, 2007 at 9:04:00 AM CST , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was just wondering. Why no blogs about face painting for the walk around the track. : )


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