Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Hunting and Human Bowling

Not much has happened in the hunting sector of my life lately. I did go out about two weeks ago (before it started getting dark at 5:00) and hunted on my dad's place. I was supposed to be at play practice (I'm a member of the cast for CAOH), but I stayed on the stand till well past time to be there and had the chance to attempt to shoot a deer...'attempt' is the key word there. I had three does come in on the backside of the pond and cross the fence to get a drink. I watched them walk through and come out on the other side...I tried to shoot one of them at that point in time when there was light still available. But all I did was scare them off, two went north and one went south. The doe that went south was out there snorting at 'whatever' had caused her friends to get scared, so I started using my grunt call to call her back in. Eventually she came down the hill along the tree line and right out in front of me. She waited long enough though, and it was pretty dark. By the time she got within range, I was waiting for her to move so I could get a peg on where she was. She walked in front of a tree that had white bark on it and I drew the bow and took a shot. She ran off. I had to get my flashlight out in order to see to get out of the tree...it was a little dark to be shooting a bow and arrow. Dad came down and we looked for my arrow. I had to go out the next day and locate the arrow...from where she was standing and where my arrow was, I shot between her legs. Better luck next time.

Now onto an event that occurred at our church during our Fat Cow Party/Fall fest last weekend. HUMAN BOWLING!! It was a blast. We took empty Culligan bottles and a board on wheels and catapulted team members into the bottles as the 'bowling ball' to see if we could get any 'pins' knocked down. There were several gutter balls and a couple of strikes...but it was awesome none-the-less. Below is a video...enjoy!


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