Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24, 2006

It's Monday, and things in Missouri have been interesting. One of our larger cities (St. Louis) experienced storms last Wed-Fri and ended up being basically shut down for the week. Several people were without power and whole malls were shut down. My brother and his family went up for the weekend (he was trying to combine a family vacation with a doctors appointment), it was a very unique experience.

Saturday I took an 'Eleisha Day'. I did absolutly nothing. I woke up around 10:30 (which is late for me), but I had been out the night before until around 2:00-ish. And then laid around all day watching Roswell. I did eventually go outside around 5:00 and helped my dad add a layer to my rock wall in the back yard, now we just need to get the backside of it done and I can plant grass...after I hand rake some more rocks up out of the yard. The joy's of in Bedrock. I then walked three miles and went for a motorcyle ride later that night. It was a little 'chilly' but a lot of fun...until the possum tried to cross the road. --grin--

Sunday services were great at church. Sunday night Chuck preached on 'Having Borders'. It was a very good sermon. A friend of mine had a 'visitor' from out of town (surprise visit); so we had a lot of fun giving him a hard time about that. It's amazing the mentality difference between men and women and how they view the same situation. But it makes for some good laughes for the ones sitting on the outside.

That about wraps up things here...I have two weeks from today until I leave for Honduras. Looking forward to it, though I don't have anything together yet or planned of what I'm taking.


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