Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's

Today is Valentine's day!! I hope everyone had a good valentine's day and you received something from your 'someone' that you wanted. I received a card from my mom and dad that was very humorous. Following will depict the card (I don't have a scanner to scan it in).
On the front you see a couple walking down the sidewalk the girl is very nice and neatly dressed, the guy is a skater dude with a board, piercing, and wild hair. The father and mother are jumping after 'Cupid' that was about to shoot his arrow screaming, 'Not our daughter, you little flying freak!'. On the inside it states, 'Overprotective? Us? Never.'

This weekend I went to STL to watch the play 'Nunsense'. It was being performed at a local private high school, and my cousin was one of the 'nuns'. They did a very good job, and it was very entertaining. I was able to relax up there and back, I rode with my parents. We had some AWESOME ice cream at a place cold Cold Stone.

Today was my last day at my part time job...no more scrubbing the bank Sunday-Thursday. It was a basic part time job, but it was crazy trying to fit 'life' into what little hours were left after my thirty minute commute from my job, scrubbing the bank, and then getting home. I will now have my evenings free again. YEAH!!


At Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 2:04:00 PM CST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious if you know what happened to Liz again... LOL Wondering if she had to change her blog again... Anyways, hope you have a good day..


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