Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Disservice to a Lady

Today throughout the memorial service for Coretta Scott King, one that was to be a 'celebration' of her life turned into a bashing of our current president, Mr. Bush, by Pastor Joseph Lowery and former president Jimmy Carter. Who would stoop so low as to take your two minutes of fame, by having the opportunity to speak at the funeral service of a renowned individual, and use it to degrade someone that you should be standing behind...and who was present. (Bush Bashing at Funeral)

Does President Bush have a lot of stress on him while he's trying to lead a country who is possibly in a war that is lasting to long? Yes. Does this give people the right to bash him in public and bring him down? No. Especially when it is a time to honor someone else. Hello!!

Just a rant for this afternoon...I think it was very rude of these gentlemen for doing what they did.

**Edit to post: I believe in the freedom of speech and the ability to demonstrate ones beliefs. Hence the reason for the war in Iraq, trying to give them freedom too. But to abuse that freedom by using it at a funeral service when you have a microphone available to you in my opinion is wrong. If you want the world to hear you take an ad out or write an editorial...do not use the funeral of a lady to spew forth your thoughts about something other than her.


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