Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Monday, March 6, 2006

Doc am I dying?

Hey everyone...yes, I'm still among the living, though from the frequency of my blog post one could start to wonder. It's been a bit crazy busy lately, but hey..life is good!

From the title of my blog you probably are thinking...life is good? Well, my topic stems from an experience that I have had the past month (going on two). I've been sick on/off since the first of January, about the middle of February I got a sharp pain in my side when I would cough, sneeze, breath, laugh, talk...anything that caused my lungs to expand. (It lead to a very down-played life) Anyway, my theory of life is 'It will go away', I have a very high tolerance of pain and my body copes well, so I put off going to the doctor. One day at work my boss got tired of me holding my side, so a week after the pain started I went to a doctor. He told me I had pleurisy (defined). I couldn't say the word much less know what it meant, all I knew is that it felt like someone/something was ripping my lung out through a little hole in my rib cage. I got medication and the pain subsided, though it would still come and go. This past weekend we held a celebration service for our Senior Pastor and his wife (more on this later), I was screaming (wooo-hooo, yeah!!!) when they walked in the church, and then did a little cough and wanted to really scream. Something inside 'popped' and I hurt again like I did the first week. So today I went to the doctor (my regular doctor, she was out the day I went before) and she ordered a chest xray, because my right lung is less productive than my left (apparently when you listen to the left one in a spot when you listen to the right one it should sound the same).

So that's been my life lately. Fun, exciting, and full of a new experience...one I hope none of you reading this will have to go through. It's very painful. (If you need more info www.webmd.com has some good info too).


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