Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, February 23, 2006


That folks stands for Thank God It's Thursday Night...that means we have one more work day (Friday) and then the weekend!! Woo-Hoo!! I'm making plans to go to Cape tomorrow night after work, so that will be cool. And it always seems that if you do something on Friday night, it makes your weekend last longer (strange I know, but true to me).

My day tech supervisor was on vacation this week. I got to do her job and mine. By tomorrow afternoon I will know more about Broadband Internet options than I thought possible. Today I was trying to turn in a trouble ticket for a DSL customer, so I picked the phone up and dialed the number, sat on hold, started talking to a representative of Red Phone Co* (RPC). RPC rep took my name, and location, then asked what number I needed to turn the trouble ticket in on. I gave the number, it wasn't in their system. So we tried two more numbers that was at the same location, none of them were in the system. She passed me on to a different rep. He couldn't find the number either. He politely asked, "Do they have a different local carrier (phone company)". I'm like, "No, only Blue Phone Co* (BPC) services that area". Rep #2 goes, "Excuse me, what did you say", Me, "BPC". He very kindly told me that he was RPC, I then told him that that would be a good reason he didn't have the number on file. I then quickly hung up and called the right people. It made for a good laugh. (*fake names to protect the innocent)

It's been a pretty good week...looking forward to the weekend. Maybe the house cleaning fairies will visit and I'll come home and my house will be all nice and clean.


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