Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Woo-Hoo!!! It finally came! I live in the Midwest of the US, a little south, and we have had a 'very' mild winter. We have only had on 'real' snow and that happened the week before Thanksgiving (I did a couple of 180's on the way to work, our boss believes in being present...and it was 'kinda' fun). Anyway I digress that was November. Last night around 10:00 it started snowing, they have been predicting it since around Wednesday but it usually never comes. Last week we got to watch it snow, big 'huge' flakes, but nothing stuck. It stuck last night! It's really pretty, and what makes it even better is the fact that I don't have to go anywhere. I did have the joy of calling all my weekend staff this morning (getting them all out of bed) and making sure I would have someone that could come in, getting the voicemail box changed to tell people we were working short staffed, and then to get a schedule figured out so that everyone would have their hours and I would have somewhat of a staff there throughout the day (something I totally forgot about since I don't work on Saturdays; my thought was cool, snow, I'll be at home). But it's all good. I got everything worked out before 9:00, and now I can sit back and enjoy the snow.


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