Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Monday, October 2, 2006

Speeding Bullet: Time

Wow! It's already been about a month since my last entry...time is flying by and it's already October. Several things have happened this past month: Bow season opened, therefore I'm hunting again. I've been out four times and saw deer three out of the four trips. I dropped my arrow (duh) and missed a perfect broad side shot on one of the evenings. Hunting will keep a person very humble. Things at work are possibly calming back down. When I returned from my trip to Honduras my receptionist and one of my billing department personal left that week, and then I had some major turn over in the tech department. One of the guys we hired did not work out, so I then had to start all over again. It's been a little crazy around here. I think we're finally on the path to normalcy (whatever that is).

Tickets for Christmas at Our House go on sale tomorrow. This is a dinner theater our church does every year. They've changed it up so that 'everyone' has to either call the church or go online and purchase tickets...without getting them in advance. That's how crazy it's gotten...people would probably 'fight' for tickets. But it is a great way to kick off the Christmas Season...and the food is AWESOME.

There's been some minor vandalism/stealing going on at our church. Whoever is doing it is a very good vandal, we've yet to figure out anything. Last night during service there were some thugs breaking into cars on the parking lot. The ushers did a high speed chase (on foot) after them. They heard a motorcycle start up and then wipe out...we're unsure if that was their get-a-way bike or not. The cops were on the scene so maybe we'll find something out (though it is 'One Horse Town' we live in). Crazy things.

That's about all for now...until later.



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