Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Sick horse?

I'm about to tell on myself, the avid hunter that I am, and what a blundering idgit I am when it comes to being the 'Great Deer Hunter'.

This past Monday (Oct 2) I go out for my fifth time bow hunting so far this season, it was around 6:15-ish. It has been grounded into my head that the deer show up at dark, and it's best to try to stay on your stand until about dark thirty, so I was doing good I had about an hour before dark. So I go traipsing out to the woods in a white t-shirt (I had a camo shirt to put on once I got to my stand, it was a little warm to wear long sleeves while walking), with my backpack on my back that had all the essentials in it (release, face mask, hat, long sleeve camo shirt, gloves, grunt call). I make it out to my stand, not a care in the world, not trying to be quite at all...I drop my sunglasses at the base of the tree, bent over picked them up and put them in my backpack. Attached my bow to the string and then climbed up the ladder. Half way up the ladder I hear this whizzing blowing noise, the first thought into my head is that my dad's horse is sick. I continue up the ladder, sit down, pull the bow up (meanwhile this whizzing blowing noise is getting closer and louder), put my backpack between my feet on the stand platform, and continue thinking that my dad has definitely got to check his horse out...it's SICK. Before getting everything on (shirt, gloves, mask, hat, release), I look for the 'sick horse' and turn to my left and look over my shoulder...there's a buck sitting there, blowing at me because I invaded his territory. So I calmly sit very still and stop breathing...maybe he won't see me in my bright white shirt. So I get my bow ready, by putting an arrow on it, being slightly hidden by the tree. Me and the deer play 'watch that thing' for awhile, and then he walks behind me and comes up on the left. If I hadn't had the bag between my feet, I could have stood and got a shot off, he turned around to watch the highway as a car went by (perfect opportunity to get set up). But instead of having a nice four point hanging in the barn, I have another 'deer story' to tell and a lot of ribbing for the fact that my dad has a 'sick horse' that's whizzing and blowing.

Good times, good times.


At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 8:41:00 AM CDT , Blogger Eleisha said...

The only problem with that is that my family would probably starve to death if I was really responsible of bringing home the food. --grin--I'm white and a hunter...but not so much a 'great' white hunter.


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