Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, February 23, 2006


That folks stands for Thank God It's Thursday Night...that means we have one more work day (Friday) and then the weekend!! Woo-Hoo!! I'm making plans to go to Cape tomorrow night after work, so that will be cool. And it always seems that if you do something on Friday night, it makes your weekend last longer (strange I know, but true to me).

My day tech supervisor was on vacation this week. I got to do her job and mine. By tomorrow afternoon I will know more about Broadband Internet options than I thought possible. Today I was trying to turn in a trouble ticket for a DSL customer, so I picked the phone up and dialed the number, sat on hold, started talking to a representative of Red Phone Co* (RPC). RPC rep took my name, and location, then asked what number I needed to turn the trouble ticket in on. I gave the number, it wasn't in their system. So we tried two more numbers that was at the same location, none of them were in the system. She passed me on to a different rep. He couldn't find the number either. He politely asked, "Do they have a different local carrier (phone company)". I'm like, "No, only Blue Phone Co* (BPC) services that area". Rep #2 goes, "Excuse me, what did you say", Me, "BPC". He very kindly told me that he was RPC, I then told him that that would be a good reason he didn't have the number on file. I then quickly hung up and called the right people. It made for a good laugh. (*fake names to protect the innocent)

It's been a pretty good week...looking forward to the weekend. Maybe the house cleaning fairies will visit and I'll come home and my house will be all nice and clean.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Woo-Hoo!!! It finally came! I live in the Midwest of the US, a little south, and we have had a 'very' mild winter. We have only had on 'real' snow and that happened the week before Thanksgiving (I did a couple of 180's on the way to work, our boss believes in being present...and it was 'kinda' fun). Anyway I digress that was November. Last night around 10:00 it started snowing, they have been predicting it since around Wednesday but it usually never comes. Last week we got to watch it snow, big 'huge' flakes, but nothing stuck. It stuck last night! It's really pretty, and what makes it even better is the fact that I don't have to go anywhere. I did have the joy of calling all my weekend staff this morning (getting them all out of bed) and making sure I would have someone that could come in, getting the voicemail box changed to tell people we were working short staffed, and then to get a schedule figured out so that everyone would have their hours and I would have somewhat of a staff there throughout the day (something I totally forgot about since I don't work on Saturdays; my thought was cool, snow, I'll be at home). But it's all good. I got everything worked out before 9:00, and now I can sit back and enjoy the snow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's

Today is Valentine's day!! I hope everyone had a good valentine's day and you received something from your 'someone' that you wanted. I received a card from my mom and dad that was very humorous. Following will depict the card (I don't have a scanner to scan it in).
On the front you see a couple walking down the sidewalk the girl is very nice and neatly dressed, the guy is a skater dude with a board, piercing, and wild hair. The father and mother are jumping after 'Cupid' that was about to shoot his arrow screaming, 'Not our daughter, you little flying freak!'. On the inside it states, 'Overprotective? Us? Never.'

This weekend I went to STL to watch the play 'Nunsense'. It was being performed at a local private high school, and my cousin was one of the 'nuns'. They did a very good job, and it was very entertaining. I was able to relax up there and back, I rode with my parents. We had some AWESOME ice cream at a place cold Cold Stone.

Today was my last day at my part time job...no more scrubbing the bank Sunday-Thursday. It was a basic part time job, but it was crazy trying to fit 'life' into what little hours were left after my thirty minute commute from my job, scrubbing the bank, and then getting home. I will now have my evenings free again. YEAH!!

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Valentine's Day

Ah the sweet joy of a day set aside for love, friendship, and getting fat. (grin) Men don't want their women getting 'healthy' (as Bro. J would say), yet they go out and buy chocolate and other such items and give as a gift to show their 'love'. Hmmm.

Anyway...I digress...I know that Valentine's Day is next week, but I received an email from a friend the other day, I think that it's a good rule to go by when looking for a 'guy'.

When looking for a guy...
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are at your bummiest, who holds your hand in front of his friends. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, ..that's her.

If you find/have found this...then you will be/are very lucky.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Disservice to a Lady

Today throughout the memorial service for Coretta Scott King, one that was to be a 'celebration' of her life turned into a bashing of our current president, Mr. Bush, by Pastor Joseph Lowery and former president Jimmy Carter. Who would stoop so low as to take your two minutes of fame, by having the opportunity to speak at the funeral service of a renowned individual, and use it to degrade someone that you should be standing behind...and who was present. (Bush Bashing at Funeral)

Does President Bush have a lot of stress on him while he's trying to lead a country who is possibly in a war that is lasting to long? Yes. Does this give people the right to bash him in public and bring him down? No. Especially when it is a time to honor someone else. Hello!!

Just a rant for this afternoon...I think it was very rude of these gentlemen for doing what they did.

**Edit to post: I believe in the freedom of speech and the ability to demonstrate ones beliefs. Hence the reason for the war in Iraq, trying to give them freedom too. But to abuse that freedom by using it at a funeral service when you have a microphone available to you in my opinion is wrong. If you want the world to hear you take an ad out or write an editorial...do not use the funeral of a lady to spew forth your thoughts about something other than her.

To much powder?

A friend of mine sent me the following link and the title of the email was 'When you know that you've used to much baby powder'. The kid in the video is doing a great effort to crawl...watch closely to know that mom uses 'way' to much powder. (grin)


*video plays through QuickTime...sorry if you cannot view it.

One Eyed Monster

Anyone that wears glasses or contacts and relies upon them heavily to be able to see knows what it's like when something happens that takes that ability away. Last night as I was cleaning the bank the lens fell out of my glasses and shattered all over the tile floor. Unfortunate for me it didn't happen while I was in one of the offices that have carpet or over the oriental rug, it happened right in the middle of the tile floor...and glass went everywhere. Of course it has been two years since I got my glasses and had an eye exam, so it was time...but I would rather do these things on my own schedule. Anyway, finishing the bank with only one eye that could see was fun. I got the job done and then went home to find an old pair of glasses...oh, how the styles have changed. The first pair I found was two eye exams ago, rather large (my cheekbones could use them to see too), and rather 'odd' shaped. So I wore them, two eyes are better than one, to locate my current old pair. I finally found them and am wearing them currently until my new ones come in. They are rounder than what I like, but the prescription is close enough that I will only have 'mild' headaches. My eye doctor's wife suggested contacts...but I went with glasses again with glass lenses. Looking forward to the new specs.

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Game Night

I spent last evening at a friends house playing board games. I've come to realize how dependent I am on spellcheck and how evil vowels are if that is the only thing on your 'tray'. We played Scrabble, a very fun game if you can spell without spell check and have more letters on your tiles than vowels. At one time I had 'botox' spelled out on my tray but no where whatsoever to put it down on the board (it really is amazing what you can spell in the tray in front of you...some of the words are not meant to be shared). We ended up calling my brother and sister-in-law to do a word search, the house I was at did not have a dictionary or ready to use internet (I know what their Christmas present will be), I wanted to use the word 'leed'. Somewhere in my reading or vast search for knowledge I had came across the word and tried to use it, and was trying to get rid of as many E's as I could from my tray. My brother to the rescue, he told me it was a word and I was able to place my other 'E' back on the playing board and changed the word from 'led' to 'leed'. (Woo-Hoo)

We also played 'Yatzee' (sorry to all of you who have an aversion to dice games). My parents played this when I was little, and I would play with the dice never really understanding the game. So last night was my first night to actually play the game. Sometimes the dice were with me and sometimes not...I ended up with only around 252 total points, not much to brag about. But we had fun and I think that was the whole purpose of the time spent together.

We lead very exciting lives here in southeast MO. (grin)

Friday, February 3, 2006


TGIF...It's finally Friday. This week has went 'very' slow in my opinion (for what that's worth). I turned my two week notice in with my part-time job this past Wednesday. I will no longer be cleaning the bank as of Tuesday, Feb 14 (Valentine's present to myself). There were a lot of factors going into this decision, but one of the main ones is that it was interfering with my church obligations and services. There are many things happening now that summertime is on it's way and I need to be able to be available to help out. I worked for two months cleaning the bank, I have a new respect for janitorial professionals. I catch myself at work sometimes saying, 'the cleaning staff will get it'. Now I know what the cleaning staff feels like.

My cousin's house burnt last week. I went to see them last night at the motel they are staying in. They motel gave them a suite set-up with two connecting rooms that have a 'kitchen type' area. One of my co-workers gave me some items to take to them (baby blankets, stuffed animals, wipes, wash clothes); it was a little sad watching the kids get excited over a stuffed animal. We take a lot of stuff for granted, they lost 'everything' in the fire. I had a nice visit with them...it's funny how sometimes it takes a tragedy to get us to spend time with those we're related to.