Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 31, 2006

Well, August is gone. It's amazing how fast time travels as you get older. One morning you wake up and your 25 and going strong, you go to sleep and wake up and it's four and 1/2 years later and you wonder what's been accomplished. I'm almost at the six month mark of being 29 1/2 years old...then I'll be looking at 30 head on. Woo-Hoo!! I'm going to start planning a massive vacation to celebrate.

My friend Stanley passed away. He lost the battle with cancer, but won the battle of life. It has been a crazy time, he passed away on Saturday, August 19. I meet his biological granddaughter and she was all excited when I mentioned my name...she was like 'Oh, you're the adopted granddaughter'. Stanley was my buddy. At one time he would introduce me as his 'girlfriend', which his wife was totally o.k. with --grin-- He will be truly missed, and always loved. I get to go over tonight and pick up some plants...I get a banana tree, which I'm happy about. It was a cool plant (is this morbid).

I'm a season pass holder to Silver Dollar City. I told my aunt the other day that I've hit middle age. But in all honesty, SDC is a cool place. They have a little bit of everything and they have different 'seasons' so the whole family can have something at one point or another throughout the year. I've enjoyed the two times I've been so far...we've planned a couple more trips throughout the next couple of months, I'm looking forward to the Christmas time trip. Hopefully it will eradicate the memories from a trip my dad's family took about 15 years ago. They had a bright idea that for 'Christmas' we would take the whole family (that was at 22 persons at that time) and cram us into a cabin (we were all very cozy at bed time), and then took us to see 'white' lights at SDC. For a kid it was truly amazing (heavy sarcasm). We were also in a two hour traffic jam with a pregnant lady in the car, and then they bussed us in from no mans land (a cow pasture) where we had to park once getting to SDC. So, as stated, I'm looking forward to erasing those memories (though they are fond) with happy memories, and I may be more acceptable to 'all white lights' thrown into trees at this point in my life.

Well, need to run. The phones are ringing like crazy here at work...have to check voicemails. Looking forward to the Holiday weekend.

Until Later,

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

August 15, 2006

Ah! It's great to be back home. I got home early this morning, around 5:00 am, from my trip to Honduras. We would have been home a lot earlier than that, but we had a two hour delay in Miami (due to some part not showing up on time for the plane, which made me feel very 'comfortable' with the fact that our plane had to have a 'part' in order to make it home). All the flights went very well, we had some turbulance, so for first time flyers it was an experience. I had an awesome time! For full updates and to get day-by-day, play-by-play you can go to MO YOM BLOG. I did better updating it than I do my own. --grin--

It's nice to be home where I can drink water again. So far I've drank seven 32 oz. glasses of water today. The fact that I'm not going to the restroom non stop lets me know I may have been a little dehydrated. I'll be glad when my body returns to normal...over seas travel causes swelling and bloating. Fun!

On the 'high' of having an awesome time in Honduras, is the 'low' of the fact that my friend Stanley is more than likely in his final days. I was going to go see them today, but since I'm a little tired of traveling for the time being, I didn't think I could stay awake driving the two hours to Jonesboro. I called and talked to June for awhile, she updated me on Stanley and I told her about the trip. It's amazing how the human heart can 'feel' both joy and sorrow at the same time.

Sorry to leave you guys on a low note...please pray for the Webb family and our church family. Stanley is an awesome guy that will be missed by everyone in our church and several in our community.

Until later,

Monday, August 7, 2006

Practice Makes Perfect

I leave tonight on our mission trip to Honduras...woo-hoo! I'm excited, but really tired too. I had a very full and 'long' weekend. But, I'm actually writing this post so I can practice for the web video blog I will be doing while in Honduras. Below you will see some clips of our church's choir that I did during service on Sunday night, Aug. 6. Hope you enjoy...and this is helping me practice so hopefully I'll be perfect there.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

August 3, 2006

Ah...crazy, I think I'm crazy...or soon will be. Things here are going well. I went down and visited my friend Stanley at St. Benard's Hospital this past Tuesday night. Matt and I went down after work to spend some time with them, before I leave for Honduras. We ended up watching the Cardinal/Philly game and giving Sis. Webb some pointers on baseball...while Stanley 'rested his eyes'. He looked really good, though he was in pain and had lost more weight. He's an awesome, awesome man!

I'm leaving soon for a seven day trip overseas (Honduras). We're going down on a Mission's trip with a group of young people from Missouri. I'm really looking forward to it, though I have A LOT of stuff to get done around my house and at work before I leave out. I'll be doing a video blog while we're down there for the week, check it out if you're interested in seeing what all we're doing. MO YOM BLOG I'm really looking forward to it. This will be my third trip overseas, and I'm ready to check out some new soil. Keep us in your prayers!!

My yard is coming along at my house...I've finally got all the 'weeds' knocked down and now I have dirt and rocks. Everytime it rains it looks like I have the Rock Quary in my front yard. But I now have the back retaining wall done and also a front flower bed going...so things are coming together slowly. I'm really excited about it. By the time we get things worked out and finished it will be around September and time to throw seed out so I'll have grass in the Spring.

Well, I need to run for now. Try to stay cool out there!