Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Feeling Stupid

Alright, I had a very BLONDE moment concerning my blog. (Forgive me if you are blonde and reading this...nothing against you, but I was a bit ditzy) For some reason the username and password for my blog got turned around in my head, and when I entered it at my house it would let me in and show my profile, but it didn't have my blogs on there for me to post. Therefore I've been posting at work...because it worked there. I came home from church tonight (which was very good...Dr. James Littles did a Family/Marriage class at our church) and was going to see if it would work here, since it worked at work...and I couldn't get on. My brother tried it from his system and it works. So I downloaded another browser thinking that my IE was messed up. Still nothing worked...Riley asked what user name and pw I was using, and then told me to try the others (because that was what he was using) and WOW...it worked. I feel very bad right now...and a little dumb. But hey...I'm back to blogging from my house!


At Friday, November 11, 2005 at 1:09:00 PM CST , Blogger Eleisha said...

It is hard, espcially when your brother ask if you've died your hair lately. --grin-- It happens to me frequently sometimes...but I just smile, shake my head, and go on.


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