Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Paul Harvey

This morning I was listening to Paul Harvey while waiting for my brother to show up to our meeting place so we could car pool together. There was some disturbing topics covered.

One: Stay away from TV remotes in Hospitals
The University of AZ Micro Biology group found that most germs in a hospital room of the Staphylococcus thread can be found on the TV remote control. These germs resist drugs and are the leading cause of infection and death in hospitals. YIKES!!

Two: Open the car windows
Scientist of the Air quality Associations say that much of the impure air inside of a car comes from car seats, audio equipment, air fresheners, and human emissions (from yourself). They say that you can get cleaner/purer air walking beside a dusty highway breathing all the exhaust from the passing cars than inside any car that passes. EWWW!!

I found the second topic to be as disturbing as the first...should we start wearing breathing mask to even ride in our own cars? Remember to let the car air out every once in awhile and vacuum the seats when cleaning the car out. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub.


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