Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Family Thing and Quiet Time

Last night, October 14, my dad's family all got together to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Delno and Myrtle Gentry. All their kids and grandkids made it in...it was great getting to see them all, it's been awhile. Since it's been awhile we were able to play the 'guess that face' game and try to remember what name went with what face (of course we did this at the privacy of our table). I had a really good time...except they kept calling Granny 'grandma' and it was getting really confusing, apparently the sisters didn't get together on what their kids were going to call their mom. One side calls her Granny and the other side calls her Grandma...all I have to say on that is 'Go Granny!!'. (She'll be 94 in December, and she's still going strong)

I made today an 'Eleisha' day. I stayed home, alone, and did nothing all day (I did straighten my house and do the dishes and laundry). But I kicked back and watched some videos, read, and then went bow hunting in the evening...came home after not seeing anything but an owl, showered and finished watching a movie and went to bed. It was great! Last weekend hunting went a little better...I at least saw a deer, but it's still nice to sit out and listen to the birds chirp, and the herd of cows munch grass around the tree stand (no lie) -- maybe that's why I didn't see anything this time.


At Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 10:39:00 AM CDT , Blogger Eleisha said...

Well, you know, it is customary to take at least one shower a month here in the 'country'. It was my weekend to use the wash tub. (grin)


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