Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Vacation, Shopping, & Deer Hunting

I took a couple of days off work (Oct 21-Oct 25), it was great. On Monday (Oct 24) I went to Cape with a couple of friends and we spent the day shopping. It was great! We found a ton of clothes on sale...skirts were going for $5 at Old Navy. I found some really cute stuff at Learner (New York Co)...I'm trying to update my wardrobe. After shopping all day we hit Starbucks Coffee on the way out of Cape (Pumpkin Spice Frap--Awesome!!) and headed back to the Bluff. It was a lot of fun just goofing around all day.

Tuesday...my final day of vacation...I spent the day hunting. In the morning I jumped two deer on the way to my tree stand. I spent about an hour in the vicinity of my dad's stand (I never found it, so I didn't sit in it); after wasting the time tramping around the woods I went to my own stand and jumped a buck and doe. The moral to that story is that if I would have just went to my own stand to start with I could possibly be done with hunting...

Tuesday night I went out about three and sat on my tree stand for a couple of hours...around 5:30 it was bathroom break time so I went to my parents house. I ended up staying there and hunting...I saw three more deer. They were to far out for a good shot and it was dark. But I did get to watch them play in the pond. It was really awesome. There were two young ones and a 'momma' that were feeding around my dad's pond. The two small ones decided to 'play' (run, splash, chase one another, etc) in the pond. Though I didn't get one, or even shoot at one, I got to see them totally in their own environment and going about daily life.

My dad's cows helped in the 'cover up' of me being out there. They fed around me the whole time so the deer just thought that the cows were out...not that someone was lurking in the woods waiting on them. One of the cows thought I was a bush (I was in total camo), and came up smelling my shoes and legs...when they went for the arrow I stopped them...I didn't feel like telling dad that one of the cows ate my arrow.


At Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 10:47:00 AM CDT , Blogger Eleisha said...

Well living with no malls, very little shopping options, and no entertainment venues that I have found yet, we make the most of what we have...and I'm Loving It!


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