Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Monday, October 31, 2005

No Parking Zone

The picture you see here is taken at the local store in the city I work in. In front of the store there are big signs that read "No Parking Fire Zone" and the sidewalk is painted yellow for further warning. The little white car (without the lights) was parked between the two signs that stated that there was no parking...and the white car with the lights decided to make them understand the 'No Parking' portion of the sign. As I was walking into the store the cop pulled over and started writing in a little notepad...and then a lady rushed out to explain why her little car was in a 'no parking fire zone' zone (I guess that is what was going on, I didn't stop for the 411). Not sure what all happened, or if she got a ticket or not...but HELLO, can you not read?


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