Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Weight Watchers

A diet that I can follow!! I started weight watchers (ww) in February, the thirteenth actually which was a little questionable since Valentines Day was the very next day. But no worries, I didn't get anything that would make me 'stray' from my diet so it's all good. But the good news is, as of last night, I've lost six pounds. Woo-Hoo!! WW is a basic eating plan that allows me to eat what I want, but gives guidelines on 'how much' and 'what' I eat. I went from living on ice cream and cereal to actually eating fruits and vegetables. It wasn't that I didn't like fruit and veggies, I actually have very eclectic eating (I like about everything and will try anything new); but being single, I fell into a habit of ice cream and cereal. I have also been doing a morning exercise routine that I found in an Oprah magazine, very basic but it tones your muscles, for about the past six months or so...and I can tell a difference. Do I stray from my daily point value? Do I sometimes want to cry because everyone else is downing large amounts of cookies or dessert pizza? Yes, Yes, and again I say Yes...but when I put my clothes on and they are loser and I can actually breath when sitting down it makes it all worth it. (grin) And Weight Watchers is a very basic diet plan to follow...and the women in the meetings I attend can attest to the fact that it works, as can I.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis, commonly known as MS, is a disease that attacks the central nervous system. I had always heard about MS, and it was always out there in someone else's life...December 2003 my family was introduced to it and now we are on a first name basis. Christmas 2003 my brother was diagnosed with MS (explained). It's been a very interesting relationship, like any other acquaintance it comes and goes (or the symptoms do) but there's always a 'reminder' that it's there (numbness, fatigue). Not being the person that it affects personally, you know that it's there but you cannot grasp the fullness of it because the symptoms are personal. Though the symptoms are personal the affects are not...it leaves one felling helpless sometimes because there is absolutely nothing that you can do. Unlike cancer, there is no cure. Nor is there a definite 'cause'. So we live with something that 'just is', hoping and praying for God to intervene and do what we know He can.

Monday, March 6, 2006

Doc am I dying?

Hey everyone...yes, I'm still among the living, though from the frequency of my blog post one could start to wonder. It's been a bit crazy busy lately, but hey..life is good!

From the title of my blog you probably are thinking...life is good? Well, my topic stems from an experience that I have had the past month (going on two). I've been sick on/off since the first of January, about the middle of February I got a sharp pain in my side when I would cough, sneeze, breath, laugh, talk...anything that caused my lungs to expand. (It lead to a very down-played life) Anyway, my theory of life is 'It will go away', I have a very high tolerance of pain and my body copes well, so I put off going to the doctor. One day at work my boss got tired of me holding my side, so a week after the pain started I went to a doctor. He told me I had pleurisy (defined). I couldn't say the word much less know what it meant, all I knew is that it felt like someone/something was ripping my lung out through a little hole in my rib cage. I got medication and the pain subsided, though it would still come and go. This past weekend we held a celebration service for our Senior Pastor and his wife (more on this later), I was screaming (wooo-hooo, yeah!!!) when they walked in the church, and then did a little cough and wanted to really scream. Something inside 'popped' and I hurt again like I did the first week. So today I went to the doctor (my regular doctor, she was out the day I went before) and she ordered a chest xray, because my right lung is less productive than my left (apparently when you listen to the left one in a spot when you listen to the right one it should sound the same).

So that's been my life lately. Fun, exciting, and full of a new experience...one I hope none of you reading this will have to go through. It's very painful. (If you need more info www.webmd.com has some good info too).