Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fred Hammond and the Grizzlies

A couple of weekends ago, the College/Career group did a 'Friday Night Out' night in Memphis, TN. We all left work about an hour early or so...thinking that we would all meet at the church by 4:00 and be on our way. We should have known that that was wishful thinking. The majority of the group that went got there on time...my vehicle did not get there until around 8:00, when it started at 7:00. But it was all well.

We went down for a Fred Hammond concert and a Grizzlies basketball game. The game ended up being a bit grizzly, in that the Grizzlies lost. But from what I hear it was one of the better games, the point spread was only by eleven points.

Fred sang at half time and then did a concert after the game for about thirty minutes...I was almost expecting more, but it was more of a 'here's a taste of Fred, come back in February for more' type thing.

I had a really good time...though we did not get home until around 3:00 am. Everyone did except for a car load of guys that missed their exit and did a tour of southeast MO, and came home through Sikeston...about two hours out of their way, but hey.

We walked Beale St. The first time I have ever been there. It was pretty cool. Every step took you into a different genre of music. Some of it was a little rough...but we're talking about art. (grin)

On the way home we stopped in East Memphis at a Taco Bell/KFC. The people behind the counter laughed at us when we came in...let's just say that we were pretty much the minority there. And make a note to self...West Memphis is not a place to go alone. All in all, it was a good night. One of the highlights of the evening was that the lead singer for Alabama, Randy Owen, was in attendance (we got to see him on the big screen). I got to try out my new camera, it's not a bad little machine. Now just to plan our next outing...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm the Manager!

K...in order to 'really' get the title you would need to hear my friend A and D say it. Most of the time it's said in a voice that makes one think that you 'are not' the manager, after doing something rather 'bright'. Unfortunate for me, I am the manager...and recently I have a rather large headache that goes along with it. I had to 'Pluto' someone (which is the word of the year according the Webster Dictionary), it's never fun. Then we had some belt tightening that happened around the office...the natives are getting restless. I have to smile, answer the questions to the best of my ability, and then pretend that everything is A.O.K. Gotta love being in management.

What amazing me though, is that people that aren't in management think that it's the best position ever...and it's what they are striving to get to. Trust me...sometimes it's best to be a clock puncher. You come in, do your job, and go home. Granted your resume may not look the best in the world, but you can sleep at night and you don't have to worry about headaches...did I mention yet that I currently have a headache, and have had it since yesterday.

I got a survey response from a customer today, basically telling me that I'm a poor example of a person and she couldn't believe I conduct myself as I do. I'm the Manager!!

Well, I'm going to sign this rant/vent off before I say more than I should (I may already have).

Until later...


Tuesday, January 9, 2007


It's that time of year when everyone makes resolutions for the year to come, now whether or not they stick with them is to be seen. I'm blogging partly about this because a church in my local area put on their sign the following: "Resolutions: More to Heaven in 07". Now being a church member, and growing up in church, my hope is that they meant to get more members this year. To do visitor drives and get more people saved...but the way the sign reads, will they be calling Uncle Vinney if you're not at church and call a hit in on you? I mean, just how many do they want to go to heaven in 07. Who likes funerals anyway (except for the funeral homes, because that's how they pay the bills).

Things here are going good so far. Except for the fact that I've actually gained weight the past week instead of losing it. I've been eating healthy, not late at night, and I've been walking and going to Curves. Makes one want to SCREAM. There are some others in my church that are doing a weight loss contest, by the end of the year the person with the most weight gone wins. The money pot will be around $1300 at that time, and the person with the most weight gone wins the dough. I say GOOD LUCK to them!!!

I played darts the other night at a friends house. I played once before when our company put a dart board in the break room, about two years ago. I'm not bad...I won three of the games, my arm is a little sore. I thought I had dart elbow instead of tennis elbow, it's amazing what muscles get used to throw a dart.

I finally cleaned my house and got my Christmas decorations down this past weekend -- WOOT! I've been putting off the house cleaning because it's been very busy for me the past couple of months (CAOH, ect) and when I would get a day off I wanted to do something besides clean house. I would keep the kitchen cleaned and my bathroom, and my house doesn't get 'really' dirty, but this weekend was a SCRUB weekend. It took forever...but I'm loving my house right now because it's CLEAN.

Well, I think that covers it for me for awhile...until later.