Leish's Thoughts

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. -- Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, May 4, 2006


Woo-Hoo! Second post within two days, but something that has happened in my office (well with the child to one of my employees) begged to be blogged.

Shigella -- Shigellos: Food Poisoning described on WebMD

This is a bacteria that causes a sever case of food poisoning that can then be passed around between children, and some adults are susceptible. A local daycare/school has had an outbreak of this and it is quickly spreading throughout the children in PB. Basically some little kid got food poisoning, picked up the bacteria, and then brought it to school with her...now our office is waiting to see if we catch it (because we were all around the little boy that caught it from the girl at his school).

This year has been crazy with off the wall illnesses that I am being introduced to or coming into contact with. Crazy how the shigella happens and can be spread...check out the web site (webmd) to learn more and make sure that you keep your kids healthy.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

May 3, 2006

Wow! A long time since I've been on here, mainly that's because I have found another avenue to spend my time...called EC. I will endeavor to share some parts with the blogging world about things that happen, but with EC I'm able to meet up with all my friends from college and the surrounding area in 'almost' realtime.

We had a benefit concert for my brother back the end of March to help raise funds for his medical bills. When it was all said and done around $11,400 was raised. God totally blessed and went beyond my goals, but that's just like Him. If anyone reading this had anything to do with any part of it, thanks!

Things at work are going alright, my immediate boss (E) left today for a week in Cancun. He was 'very' excited about going, there were a total of eight people that would be spending the week together. Which reminds me of the exciting news I have...this August, Lord willing, I will be taking a mission trip to Honduras. I'm really looking forward to it. I've been on two other trips outside of the country (not counting Canada and Mexico, I don't think they count because they are connected to the States); and I have wanted to get back on some foriegn soil again. There's nothing like getting to experience different cultures.

In April, two days after my birthday, I was able to see Hilary Scott in concert in West Plains. The band did an AWESOME job. This makes the third concert of hers that I have been to, and as of right now it's the best one so far. It was great getting to see them again and spend some time with them while breaking down the set. I may try to buy into the CD release party stuff, depending on when it's all happening. :)

That pretty much catches everyone up on my life. Thought I would drop a line to let everyone know that I was still breathing here in SE MO. :)